Author: Major Tom

  • Title Kepler 22b – A Super-Earth in the Habitable Zone

    Introduction The universe is a vast expanse that has been enticing astronomers and scientists for centuries. With technological advancements, we have been able to explore space beyond our solar system. One such astronomical discovery was made by NASA’s Kepler spacecraftan extrasolar planet called Kepler 22b What is Kepler 22b? Kepler 22b is an exoplanet discovered…

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Visiting the International Space Station in 2023

    A Comprehensive Guide to Visiting the International Space Station in 2023

    Are you ready to blast off into a new adventure? In 2023, NASA will be opening up the International Space Station (ISS) for space tourism and we’ve got the ultimate guide to help you plan your trip! This comprehensive guide covers everything from booking your International Space Station trip, what to pack, and what life…

  • Can we survive on mars?

    Can we survive on mars?

    Are you ready to boldly go where no one has gone before? Mars, the infamous “Red Planet,” has long captivated our imaginations with its striking beauty and mysterious allure. And now, with advancements in space exploration technology and continued efforts by NASA and other organizations, the possibility of humans living on Mars is becoming increasingly…

  • What is the different atmospheres on the earth?

    What is the different atmospheres on the earth?

    Gazing up at the sky has always been a favorite pastime of mine – from admiring fluffy white clouds to watching thunderstorms roll in. But have you ever stopped to think about what makes up our earth’s atmosphere? It’s a complex and fascinating topic that many of us take for granted every day. Earth’s atmosphere…

  • How close is the moon to the earth in miles

    How close is the moon to the earth in miles

    Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and pondered on the vastness of space? It’s truly remarkable to think about how much there is still left unknown in our universe. But today, we’re going to focus on something a little closer to home – literally: the moon distance from Earth! The moon has…

  • Kepler-22b The Discovery That Could Change the Fate of Humanity.

    Kepler-22b The Discovery That Could Change the Fate of Humanity.

    Kepler-22b is a fascinating astronomical discovery that has captured the interest and imagination of astronomers, space enthusiasts, and everyday people worldwide. Discovered by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft in 2011, this exoplanet located approximately 600 light-years away from Earth orbits within its star’s habitable zone making it one of the top candidates for supporting life outside our…

  • What is the International Space Station ISS?

    What is the International Space Station ISS?

    Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered about all the amazing things out there in space? Satellites, asteroids, comets, stars, planets – they’re all fascinating to learn about. But have you heard of something called the International Space Station (ISS)? The ISS is one of humankind’s most significant scientific achievements orbiting…

  • What is the current international space station mission?

    What is the current international space station mission?

    Are you curious about what’s going on in space right now? Well, prepare to have your mind blown because the current International Space Station (ISS) mission is nothing short of amazing! Can you believe humans are currently living and working in space? It’s truly a remarkable feat, and the ISS continues to break records with…