How close is the moon to the earth in miles




How close is the moon to the earth in miles

Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and pondered on the vastness of space? It’s truly remarkable to think about how much there is still left unknown in our universe. But today, we’re going to focus on something a little closer to home – literally: the moon distance from Earth!

The moon has always been a fascinating celestial body that has captured the attention of astronomers and curious minds alike for centuries. We’ve seen pictures, watched documentaries, even read stories about it…but have you ever wondered just how close it really is? And not just any kind of “close,” but, like…in miles?!

Get ready because in this article we are going to explore just that: how many miles away is the moon from Earth? Let’s get excited because when we’re done here today, you’ll be able to impress your friends with some pretty cool lunar facts!

How close is the moon to the Earth in miles?

The distance between the moon and earth changes constantly due to their elliptical orbits. On average, the moon is about 238,855 miles away from Earth. However, when the moon is at its furthest point in its orbit (called apogee), it can be as far as 252,088 miles away. Conversely, when it’s at its closest point in its orbit (called perigee), it can be as close as 225,623 miles away.

To put this into perspective, if you were to drive a car at highway speed from Earth to the moon without stopping for gas or food breaks (not recommended!), it would take you roughly 130 days to travel that distance.

It’s important to note that while the moon may seem relatively close compared to other celestial bodies in space, it’s still quite far away. Nonetheless, we have been able to send astronauts there and explore its surface thanks to advances in technology and space exploration.

Next up: let’s take a closer look at what exactly the moon is made of!

What is the moon made of?

I’m so excited to tell you about the composition of our beloved moon! The moon is a rocky, solid celestial object that formed around 4.5 billion years ago. It’s made up of several different layers:

Crust: The outermost layer of the moon is called the crust. It’s composed mainly of oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium and aluminum.

Mantle: Beneath the crust lies the mantle, which is made up mostly of silicate rock with some metallic iron mixed in.

Core: At the center of the moon lies its core. Unlike Earth’s core which consists primarily of molten iron and nickel, the moon’s core is small and likely consists mostly of solid iron.

The surface of the moon is characterized by craters and plains caused by impacts from asteroids and other space debris over time.

It truly amazes me how something as beautiful as our glowing lunar companion has such an intricate structure below its surface!

Now that we’ve learned what makes up such an important part of the sky above us – let’s take a look at just how close it really is to us here on Earth!

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